New Look for Oodles of Fun

Did anyone notice I have a new look to my blog? Look at the top of the page. Jack Foster drew me peeking out between the o's in Oodle and Sadie holding up her end in Oodles of Fun. That gets two big (four if I lie on my back!) paws up!

Frankie and Sparkles

Two of my favorite furry friends, Frankie and Sparkles, have come together to help children in a fun way. Visit their blog here:

Visit Frankie's blog and watch his video about his life. If you're like Mama Donna, you might need to have a tissue handy: Joyful Paws

Puppy Angel

Have you ever wondered what I looked like as a pup? Well, here you go. I was definitely having a bad hair day!

Doggy Door Surprise

I sure would be surprised to see this coming through the doggy door!

Doggy Door - Rudy and Buffer

Mama Donna laughed and laughed at this poor dog. Rudy must be afraid of the doggy door and Buffer has to wait around on him. I'm glad I don't have to fool with one of these - although it might be easier than getting mama's attention sometimes!

In this one, I think Rudy is finally getting the hang of it!

For more fun, visit Doggy Dish Cam.

Poodle and Doodle Review - A Writing Playground

Poodle and Doodle is oodles of rhyming fun. The picture book's rhyming text is funny, but the illustrations, by Jack Foster sent me over the edge. I laughed at Angel the prim and proper poodle. Angel's owner brings in a rough undignified Labradoodle, Scruffy. Scruffy is not refined. He is messy and not the poodle's idea of a housemate.

Poor Angel sees the worst in this "lesser" dog. First impressions did little to impress Angel. As Scruffy settles in, Angel begins to realize this dog may have a few beneficial qualities. Children can learn from Angel's example to search for the good in others. The reasons they have for disliking something may turn into the qualities they love. - J. Aday Kennedy, A Writing Playground

Puppy Hidden Picture Puzzle and Coloring Page

Mama Donna's first book for children, Topsy Turvy Land, was published by Hidden Pictures Publishing. Liz Ball has her hidden picture puzzles in newspapers, magazines, and publications all across the United States and internationally, too!

It looks like Beau has a "Beware of Dog" sign, but he doesn't look like he'd be too dangerous, does he?

*Click on the picture, then print! It will print out full size ready to be colored. If that doesn't work with your printer, right click on the picture, and then 'save picture as...' and then you can print it out using your photo program.

I Got an Award!

I'd like to thank all the little people that made this all possible... especially Jack Foster, who drew me so well in Poodle and Doodle.

First the rules:

1: Thank the person who gave you the award and link to them.
2: Add the award to your blog
3: Tell six outrageous lies about yourself and One Truth.
4: Nominate six creative liars... I mean writers and post links to them.
5: Let your nominees know that they have been nominated.

OK, Let's see if you can figure out which is the truth:

1. Mama Donna lets me sleep in her bed every night.
2. My favorite treat is banana slices.
3. Daddy (doggy daddy) was a champion AKC poodle.
4. Mommy (mommy mutt) was a Great Dane.
5. I've ridden in an airplane three times.
6. I love, love, love going to the groomer and being beautified.
7. And finally, Mama Donna tells everyone she sings, but she couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.

... and now for my six nominees:

1. Mayra Calvani - Pets and their Authors
2. Donna McDine - Write What Inspires You
3. Dayna Hilton - Sparkles, the Fire Safety Dog
4. Lea Schizas - The Writing Jungle  
5. Shari Lyle-Soffe - Children's Books and More
6. Kathy Stemke - Education Tipster

I hope Mama Donna's friends join in the fun and nominate some of the ones she would have liked to add to the list. Have fun!

Now...which one of those things I listed is the Truth? Think you know? Betcha don't! Woof!

Me? Bad Breath?

Last night Leah told Mama Donna that I have bad breath. Me? I don't think so! But just in case one of YOUR dogs does, here are some cures for doggy halitosis.

Great post on Paw Nation!

Vote for me! You know you want to.

Mama Donna registered my blog in a contest for the best dog blog. All you have do is go to this page - and enter this voting code in the voting box and clicking on the Submit button. The code is: 5EQ8X. That's it!

Mama Donna, Sadie, and I thank you!

Poodles Are the Best!

Today I have a guest - the BEST kind of guest. Another poodle! Her name is PooPa. How’d she get a name like that? It’s the sound of the words children in Germany use to say “little doll.” And I have to say, she is almost as cute as I am. PooPa's Papa (say THAT three times fast!) is Max Elliot Anderson who writes books for boys and has a blog by that name. Click HERE to read about Max.

PooPa, what do you have to say about us poodles?

"Thanks, Angel, for having me as your guest blogger today. For years, Poodles were the # 1 dog in America. But today, some people have replaced us with the following order:


1 Labrador Retrievers
2 German Shepherd Dogs
3 Yorkshire Terriers
4 Golden Retrievers
5 Beagles
6 Boxers
7 Bulldogs
8 Dachshunds
9 Poodles
10 Shih Tzu

Number NINE? Us Poodles, and our owners, would disagree. Who are these people anyway?

And there are those who say that there’s not much you can do with a Poodle. Are they kidding? We can do all sorts of things, as evidenced by the following pictures:

Did you see me in the Super Bowl? Anytime there was a dog pile, I was there.

Everybody knows that Poodles make great hunting dogs.

Sure, we aren't the biggest dogs. Angel's Mama Donna says I look like a Half-Pint Dog in a Ten-Gallon Hat.

How many of those big dogs have ever been pirates? I have.

I graduated # 1 in my obedience class. Shoot, I could have taught that class with two paws tied behind my back.

Please! Poodles are much too good for such silly tasks.

Watch for me this weekend in the Daytona 500. They haven’t given my car a number yet, or I’d let you know now.

One day I might even write a book .

Angel here. Isn't PooPa a talented dog? I would expect no less from a poodle! Thanks, PooPa, for being my guest today and letting my readers know more about how great we Poodles are. I hope you do write a book like Mama Donna did!

Funny Face

Mama Donna found this picture of Raleigh as a puppy. Doesn't he have a funny face? He's a goldendoodle, but more poodle than golden. That makes him A-okay in my book!

Have You Read Poodle and Doodle?

Mama Donna looks forward to receiving emails about my book, Poodle and Doodle.

Here's a fun one:
We have so enjoyed the book! My son's best friend's name is Leah and she is crazy about dogs. Perfect!
This one made Mama Donna cry a little bit:
The story itself has touched a friend in a very unexpected way. They have a daughter and just adopted another girl from China, The story runs parallel with their biological daughter's initial response to the adoption and to her eventual acceptance of her new sister. Very cool!