Puppy Fun

This puppy isn't an oodle, but he's fun to watch. He can barely walk five steps without taking a break. Click on the picture to watch the video.

A Puppy that Can Whistle?

This isn't an oodle, but it sure is oodles of fun.

Lots of people are congratulating Donna on the book, writing about us, and linking to us - whatever that means.

Easter Hidden Picture Puzzle and Coloring Page

An Easter Hidden Picture Puzzle from Mama Donna's talented artist friend, Liz Ball. Have fun!

Ava and Me

Mama Donna's sister came to visit and brought her granddaughter, Ava, with her. Ava fell in love with me (who wouldn't?) and sat with me on the steps for a long time. Grandma couldn't believe Ava would be still for that long. I loved the attention. Aren't we pretty girls?

Mama's mom called this morning and told her that Ava used to carry her 5 favorite books with her in the car and have 'moomoo' read them when she's visiting. Now she carries only Poodle and Doodle and she's read it to Ava about 50 times now. 

Where's My Treat?

Mama Donna wanted to get a picture of me today when I got home from the groomer. She kept talking about how pretty and fluffy my ears are. I know that. I don't need another picture. But she got me to look at her when she asked, "Do you want a treat?" See how I'm looking at her? I'm waiting. And waiting. Hey, what happened to that treat, Mama Donna??

Talented Poodle

This little poodle must be related to me. Look how cute she is and smart, too!

Hidden Picture Puzzle and Coloring Page Featuring a POODLE.

Mama Donna's good friend, Liz Ball, drew a hidden picture puzzle and coloring page with the best kind of subject - a poodle! Have fun trying to find all the hidden objects.

A Book About My Relatives

Look what Mama Donna found. A book about poodles and underneath it says, 'Oodles of Fun.' I could have told them that long ago!