Don't Feed Me This!

Mama Donna doesn't feed me very much 'people food.' She wants me to remain healthy I guess. But I sure do like the taste of potato chips. And my favorite snack is bananas. Every now and then, she still gives me a tiny bite.

If you care about your pet, and I know you do, check out this guide listing foods bad for your pet. Now that Mama Donna read this list, I may get even fewer potato chips!

Image: Master isolated images /

Yet Another Kind of Oodle

Meet Mama Donna's author friend, Janet Ann Collins. She is owned by a bichon frise-poodle mix, sometimes called a 'poochon.' One of her books, Signs of Trouble, is illustrated by Jack Foster, the same great artist who did MY book, Poodle and Doodle. Here is Mama Collins with her book, The Peril of the Sinister Scientist, and her poochon.

to read an article about her.