Help 'Oodles (Like Me!) While You Shop

Help Doodles While You Shop for Christmas!

There are several ways to help Doodles while you shop for those on your Christmas list! donates 25% of all proceeds from any revenue source to Doodle and dog rescue organizations. So the more money this site generates, the more you can support rescue organizations. This is only possible because of you and all the rest of the Doodle addict members. Here are two ways to support us and doodles in need:

1) Shop via our link ( ) and the site will get a small commission for everything purchased when you access -- you don't have to log in differently or start any 'new' accounts. Just click our link before going to buy anything on

2) Check out the Doodle Kisses Store ( and purchase some fun tee shirts, gorgeous doodle calendars, or other products!

Merry CHRISTmas from Mama Donna, Sadie, and me!

Merry Christmas

Mama Donna's writer friend, Cynthia Reeg, has a different kind of 'Oodle - a Schnoodle - a Schnauzer-Poodle combo named Holly. At least she has poodle in her. That's the important thing! Here she is wishing you a Merry Christmas!